Friday, March 9, 2007

stupid animal story fuck heads!!!!!!!!!!!

This one day while me,Arlene,Charissa and Naomi were riding snowmachines,we saw a COYOTE!!!!! So we chased it around the lake. That little fuck head runs fast! I wanted to pick him up,but then Arlene told me not to-because it might of bit me. So we chased it around the lake, a long ass time. It kept running and running. Me and Arlene were driving a sled each. We almost hit the coyote a few times. It was hilarious the way it looked,it looked so tired. Then it ran into the bush and we left the shit head alone. Tha motha fuckin end bitches!!!!!!

My Favorite website.

My favorite website wuld have to be Because I can keep in touch with my sisters and my family and friends by emailing them. We can send each other pictures and files. My friends email me stupid stuff though. Like a chain letter,I hate recieving those. They are annoying as hell!!!! Well ya is my favorite website.
Payce Out Homies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!